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Welcome to Mireu Martial Arts!


Your decision to become a member of our school was a wise choice that will provide you with a lifetime of rewards.


We are excited to help you experience the maximum enjoyment and benefits our program

has to offer. 


We’ve outlined some of the essential elements of your program below, even though you'll have your own student manual. 

Martial Arts Benefits

There are so many benefits to a regular Martial Arts practice. 

  • Better focus, concentration, and organization

  • Learning respect for self and others

  • Increased self-esteem and self-confidence

  • Greater self-discipline and mental toughness

  • Improved strength, stamina, balance, and flexibility

  • Learning patience with self and others

  • Stress relief and increased energy

  • Personal safety and competency in self-defense

  • Giving back to the community​​

Code of Conduct


If class begins at 5:00, everyone should be in the dojang ready to practice by 4:50. Being punctual is an important quality everyone should strive for because instructors and fellow students should not have to wait for others.



Taekwondo is a contact Martial Art and Sport. Everyone should come to practice with a clean body in a clean uniform (Do Bok). Fingernails and toenails should be neatly trimmed to prevent injury and possible infection to your partner.



The Dojang is a place for serious training, not a social gathering. Foul language and poor sportsmanship or conduct will not be tolerated. The good conduct rule applies to promotional testing, competition, and during class. A student should never criticize, insult, or blame their partner for not performing well.



Students should refrain from idle conversation while at practice and direct all questions to Black belts or the instructor. When the instructor is talking they should have your undivided attention. If a student has a relevant question, they should raise their hand and wait to be called on. If a student needs a break or bathroom break, they must ask the instructor or a black belt without interrupting class.



Instructors and Black belts are the most qualified to teach. Students should never contradict their Instructor or Black belts during class regardless of what they may believe to be a correct technique, because it is considered very disrespectful in Martial Arts. Students should come to Taekwondo practice with an open mind, ready to be filled with knowledge.

Home Rules

For Students 18 and under: Each belt level must memorize their Home Rules for Promotion Testing.



  • Children will respect parents and family members at all times.

  • Children will greet their parents when they enter the house and say goodbye when they leave.



  • Children will be truthful at all times.

  • Children will maintain a good relationship with their brothers and sisters.



  • Children must help with household chores.

  • Children will keep their own room neat and clean.



  • Children must keep their body, hair, and teeth clean at all times.

  • Children will not interrupt adult conversations.



  • Children will study their school work at school and at home.

  • Children must show respect for teachers and peers at all times.



  • Children should always finish what they have started.



Dojang Rules

Each belt level must memorize their Dojang Rules for Promotion Testing.



  • Bow to the flags upon entering and exiting the dojang.

  • When entering the dojang bow to your instructor and all senior belts.



  • Turn away from the flags and all senior belts when adjusting your belt or dobok (uniform).

  • Bow before and after addressing a senior belt.



  • Do NOT bow to a senior belt or master if he or she is practicing or instructing others unless definite eye contact has been established.

  • Dobok (uniform) is not to be worn shopping, to school for play, etc... It is only to be worn for class or demonstrations.



  • Do not chew gum or eat candy in the dojang.

  • No profanity will be used in the dojang.



  • No Jewelry will be worn during class.

  • No horse play in the dojang.



  • Students should behave in a disciplined manner while training.

  • Keep your dobok and your sparring gear, body, hair, and teeth clean at all times. Everyone over 10 years of age should wear deodorant to class.



  • Remember that you are a martial artist in and out of the dojang. Treat others with respect and never misuse your art.

House Chores

For students 18 and under:


Taekwondo is about being grateful for and respectful to parents/guardians. Developing a habit of helping around the house will improve your success in transitioning into adulthood.


Students are required to complete five (5) instances of house chores, regularly, during each testing term.


Parents must sign and verify that all house chores were completed and without complaint for students to pass promotion testing.

Community Volunteering

Taekwondo is about giving back to the community, not just kicking, hitting, or belt promotions. 


Students are required to volunteer two (2) times during each testing term. Testing terms are approximately every two months, so volunteering is approximately one (1) per month.


Students should write up a short description of their volunteer experience and they should have their volunteer activities verified and signed. Students should be able to talk about their volunteering experience during promotion testing.

The 5 Tenets of Taekwondo

The actions and behavior of the Taekwondo practitioner are expected to be in accordance with the tenets and with all their implications. Taekwondo regards the tenets as values all taekwondo students should hold.


The 5 Tenets explain and summarize the entire teaching of Taekwondo.


Students will be asked to know and understand these tenets during their yellow belt training.



Kindness, humility, politeness, and respect



Morality and honesty with self and others at all times



Persistence regardless of obstacles, difficulties, or occasional let downs



Ability to control strong emotions such as love, hate, anger, joy, sadness, etc.

It is also the ability to physically control body motions and preventing unnecessary injuries to others.



Unbreakable will and beliefs. Strong. Brave.

The 5 Ethical Rules of Taekwondo

The action and behavior of the Taekwondo practitioner are expected to be in accordance with these rules and all their implications.


Students will be asked to know and understand these tenants during their ORANGE BELT training.


  1. Loyalty to Nation [Sa goon yi Choong]

  2. Obedience to Parents [Sa Chin Yi Hyo]

  3. Confidence in Friends [Boon oo yu Shin]

  4. Never Retreat from an Enemy Attack [Yim jeon moo twe]

  5. Refrain from the Senseless Killing of all Living Things [Sal seng yi tek]

Taekwondo Promotion Pre-Testing Protocols

In the month leading up to Promotion testing, you should find an adult BLUE Belt or higher to get your pre-testing stripes for Form, Step Sparring, and High Kick.


Don't wait too long!


You are not guaranteed your stripe when you demonstrate because getting your stripe is part of the test. You need to show proficiency in your form, step sparring, and kick + answer questions related to your belt to get each stripe.


To note: There isn't always time after class for you to demonstrate and receive your stripe, so arriving 20-30 minutes early to class is the best time to get your stripes testing in.




Pre-testing starts the Monday before Promotion Testing.​


  • You must have all 3 stripes to pre-test.

  • You must fill out your testing form and return it with payment by end of class Thursday.

    • If you don't turn in your form by end of class on Thursday, you'll pay an extra fee above the testing cost.

  • You must include your signed volunteer sheet with your testing form.

    • Required: two instances of community volunteering

  • [Child Students] You must include your signed house chores with your testing form.

Taekwondo Promotion Testing: General Guidelines

  • Students must be able to demonstrate techniques with proper Ki Hap.

  • Students must be able to display proficiency of their form (poomsae) and Step Sparring.

    • ​Students must know previous belt forms and step sparrings.

    • Students may be asked to demonstrate any previous form or step sparring.

  • Students must be able to answer questions related to their belt level such as:

    • The name and meaning of their form (poomsae).​

    • The name of their high kick.

    • The name of their sparing technique.

    • Home Rules (for their belt level)

    • Dojang Rules (for their belt level)

    • The 5 Tenets of Taekwondo (Yellow belt and up)

    • The 5 Ethical Rules of Taekwondo (Orange belt and up)

  • Students 18 and under must provide proof of adequate completion of assigned chores prior to testing [utilizing the House Chore Checklist].

  • All students must provide proof of two (2) instances of volunteering in the community [utilizing the Volunteer Verification sheet].​​

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